I have arrived in Paris! It is great. Stephanie has been posting pictures on her blog.
I had to leave the majority of my library at home, but I did take a special set of textbooks with me: my old editions of TAOCP, all three volumes. I am hoping to work through volumes 2 and 3, and post the results of my experimental implementations here, the same way I posted the code for algorithm earlier. I have many more languages available at my fingertips now: in addition to the old-standbys, Java, C, and Scheme, I now also have ActionScript, Javascript, and C++. Imight also dabble in a bit of assembly code in x86_64 or ARM from time to time.
At the same time, I am experimenting with alternative tools for authoring blog content. I'm trying to be a good little Adobe employee and try to use our own tools (Dreamweaver in this case) to interface with Blogger. My end goal is to post active Javascript and Flash content on the web, in addtion to the transcripts I post. But that might require I shift over to my personal web server, rather than work through Blogger. We shall see.