the informal ramblings of a formal language researcher

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

data structures, network outages, and php

The most "productive" portion of my day was spent prototyping the interface to summary set matrix that I will be putting into the regional collector RSN. I have the header file worked out and started working on the representation itself. I got part way through writing a constructor function before deciding that I wanted to think a bit more about how I want to handle allocation and deallocation of the entries in the sparse matrix.

(Some of that time was spent reviewing the existing source for the Larceny runtime, especially the different attribute bits one can put on pages of memory in Larceny, and the history of when they were introduced and/or shifted around by Lars...)

I also had a back-and-forth with the Systems staff since artichoke and poblano became inaccessible from the outside world at some point yesterday evening.

I finished off the day trying to figure out why my GC benchmarking script is still failing on the dynregion/ branch. I have more of a clue about it now, but am pretty unhappy about how much of a kludge this supposedly simpler script is becoming. (Maybe I should give up doing these things in shell script and just do them as Larceny scripts.)
