the informal ramblings of a formal language researcher

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

git-svn argh!

CCIS decommissioned a number of its Solaris machines recently.

I was using one of them as the point of access for the Larceny SVN repository, via the svn+ssh protocol.

More recently I have been playing with git-svn, using that as my way to interact with the repository. I made a local git-svn clone of the Larceny SVN repository, and then I would clone the clone and make branches in the cloned clones as part of my experimentation with new ideas. Fun fun fun.

Except that CCIS decommissioned a number of its Solaris machines recently, and I was using one of them as the point of access, which mean that the repository url looked something like svn+ssh://, and git-svn (somewhat reasonably) assumes that these URLS would remain valid forever, and puts a copy of that URL into every log message of the clone.

Now, its easy to update those log messages; that's what git-filter-branch is for. (See also this related blog entry.)

But what's not so easy is dealing with the sudden split in the tree structure of the development on my cloned clones; all of my local deltas seem to point to the old changesets with the old bad URL. And "git rebase" does not seem to be magically able to handle this case.

Thus: git-svn argh!

If the SVN folks though that a "svn switch --relocate" command was important, maybe the git-svn developer(s) should also consider their design decisions...

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