the informal ramblings of a formal language researcher

Thursday, November 03, 2005

some windows stuff worth knowing.

  • This page tells you how to get free copies of the command line development tools that are including in Visual Studio. That's right, get yourself the C/C++ compiler and header files (as well as some batch scripts to set up your environment properly), all direct from Microsoft.

    • .NET Framework SDK (for the compiler and linker).

    • Platform SDK (for the header files).

    • As a side note to this, I had to learn about the call statement for DOS Batch scripts in order to learn how to make a batch file that would call each of the batch files in sequence, because each of the above SDK has a different batch file to set up the environment.

  • This page tells you how to edit the Windows Registry to change the behavior of the Caps Lock key. For a Emacs user like me, this was a crucial thing to learn, since the control key is really hard to get at on modern Windows laptops. Speaking of which . . .

  • This page tells you how to install Emacs on a Windows machine. It works well enough.

  • Cygwin. Nuff said.

1 comment:

pnkfelix said...

Here is a Windows .bat script to get all the stuff that you just downloaded into your command environment. (Puts nmake.exe cl.exe and ilasm.exe in your %PATH%, for example.)

call "C:\Program Files\Microsoft.NET\SDK\v2.0\Bin\sdkvars.bat"
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Platform SDK"\SetEnv
